Friday, January 23, 2015

Robert Irvine's Restaurant Nosh To Close

Photo - Food Network
Robert Irvine's Nosh in Bluffton, South Carolina will be closing for good on Sunday, January 25th after six years in business as reported by The Island Packet.  After closing his other South Carolina restaurant eat! last year, the man who has a show about saving restaurants currently doesn't operate any restaurants, and has closed two in the past 13 months.

Robert Irvine's spokesman claimed the restaurant closing had nothing to do with profits.  His spokesman stated:
"He's too busy to be as personally involved as he wants to be. He coaches businesses and tells them if you want to be successful you have to be personally invested in the business. When you're not living here, and you're on the road 340 days a year, it's hard to do that."
He also added:
"It's hard to grow a restaurant when you never have time to go visit it. His restaurants were successful, but they weren't as profitable as maybe they could have been ... just because he's not there. He felt he wasn't doing the restaurants the justice they deserved."
His spokesman then pretty much contradicts the above quotes by stating that Robert Irvine is opening a restaurant in the Pentagon, and has plans to open others in Las Vegas and the Foxwoods Resort in Connecticut. That makes me think it had everything to do with profits.

Finally in another quote to try to keep Robert's reputation intact, his spokesman stated that according to Robert Irvine's figures, about "70 percent of the 115 restaurants he's worked with are still open and exceeding anything they had done prior to that." If you are a reader of this site, you know that figure is actually about 50 percent. He padded his resume in the past, and he seems to continue to pad his Restaurant Impossible stats.

Read more here: