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On a much lighter note, tonight at 10pm on the Food Network is the
Chopped Teen Tournament finale. The winners from each of the past four weeks face off against each other for the prize of $25,000 in prize money and a $40,000 culinary school scholarship.
The winners so far who will compete for the grand prize are as follows:
- First Episode - Jason Khaytin - Pennsylvania
- Second Episode - Dante Foggy - New Jersey
- Third Episode - Tommi Rae Fowler - South Carolina
- Fourth Episode - Sequoia Pranger - Oregon
The judges tonight will be Amanda Freitag, Alex Guarnaschelli, and Alex Stupak, and the contestants will be facing ingredients such as a sea creature in the first round and a classic kids' snack in the entree round. So tune in tonight to see who will take home the big prize of $25,000 and a $40,000 scholarship. I will update this post with the winner after the episode airs.
Photo - Food Network |
The first contestant eliminated was Sequoia, followed by Jason. Tommi Rae and Dante battled it out in the dessert round, and Tommi Rae Fowler won the $25,000 and a $40,000 scholarship to culinary school. Congrats to her!
Also, everyone else left with a $1,000 gift certificate to Foodnetwork.com
Such talented young people! It's too bad there can't be more winners as I think most, if not all, could use the help getting to culinary school.
ReplyDeleteThat would be awesome wouldn't it!
ReplyDeleteThey all deserve it.
A lot of the "adults" who compete on Chopped could take a lesson from the class and grace of these young chefs.
ReplyDeleteOh, please, don't go there. This is about a food star, not the leader of our country, and it's not a legitimate comparison.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU...and there is even more than that. It irritates me to no end when people are so simple-minded that they actually believe there was a one-time mention of the "N" word...no one but someone with a single-digit I.Q. would believe that. Again, read the depositions and the pleadings, learn about the pharmaceutical shilling, watch her vulgar antics, listen to her filthy mouth on out-takes, and watch her paw males guests...Paula Deen was/is disgusting and about as authentic as Lenny is.
ReplyDeleteI'll be kind and say that you nailed it with "no class"...no class, indeed, and he wouldn't recognize class if it smacked him in the face.
ReplyDeleteHi Loreal! Am I right? LOL.
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm not a liberal pc nutjob.
ReplyDeleteNaa...since what i have to say has such a negative effect on you, I'll be staying, Obamaton.
ReplyDeleteThe truth hurts, doesn't it, Obamaton.
ReplyDeleteSo, if I presented a list of vulgar, filthy, racist, (fill in the blank)-phobic, embarrassing to yourself and others etc things, you wouldn't be guilty of committing a single one in your past, right?
ReplyDeleteThat question also applies to the rest of you glass house dwellers.
You've obviously never worked the docks, construction, trucking, bands, politics, retail, hospitals...the list goes on and on.
ReplyDeleteIn your opinion.
ReplyDeleteWell, at least, unlike Justin, we'll know why this loser never gets his own show.
ReplyDeleteI love a good Simpsons reference :)
ReplyDeleteYeah, anyone with an IQ above 85!
ReplyDeleteI still think FN would have gotten rid of Paula Deen for using the "n" word alone. Those other things were around for a long time and were never issues until the news about her utterance of the "n" word came out and suddenly people were mouthing off on anything and everything she ever did to slight them.
ReplyDeleteThe entire article has been blocked out! What the heck happened? I'm just now finding out that there are some intense rumors going around; I'm not even sure if there is any fact to "whatever" (since I don't know) is being said. Someone explain please?
ReplyDeleteListen, I knew Paula Deen was a racist before most people did. I watched her on an episode of "Who do you Think You Are", the genealogy show, a few years back and came away convinced she was a racist, so her use of the "n" word 30 years ago was no surprise to me. I am sure she used it after that too. Then again that's not the same issue as being vulgar on TV and having a filthy mouth. A lot of people including myself knew about that, but Paula would not (and did not) get thrown off TV for those antics, nor even for the lawsuits. She got thrown off TV for being on record using the "n" word, period. Everything else is intepretation and hearsay or 3rd had information - Not likely to get her fired. However, her use of the "n" word was documented. Period, case closed.
ReplyDeleteYeah but Food Network also has to appeal to the majority of people, those who are not amongst the subset of yokels that aren't averse to homophobic, misogynistic comments. And thankfully I think they outnumber those yokels by quite a bit. So they'd better be concerned about him!
ReplyDeleteYeah, judging from the success of shows like Gypsy Sisters, Honey BooBoo, Jersey Shore, KUWT Kardashians, and the scandalous behavior of Chopped Canada's Dean McDermott, FN seems to be catering to the lowest common denominator. People want crap, and that's what they'll get.
ReplyDeleteScared of foreigners much?
ReplyDeleteAnd you said it clearly: you hate people with an accent.
ReplyDeleteHey Nazi...why don't you shove that tin-foil hat up your a....!
ReplyDeleteLike I wrote earlier - there's an audience for trash.
ReplyDeleteI still have a problem figuring out how a guy who grew up in New Hampshire got that cow poke accent and mannerisms.
ReplyDeleteIt's an act. He slips in and out of his accent. He's a huge old time country music fan and small-time performer. Black Mamba is his stage name.
ReplyDeleteAh...a f'd up retardican...A Fat Limblob fanboy... trolling like a Koch-sucker....
ReplyDeleteApparently all is forgiven with Robert Irvine. ??
ReplyDeleteThank you!
ReplyDeleteSome of his filth is from this year.
ReplyDeleteTo each his own. He appeals to others who behave the same way.
ReplyDeleteLike attracts like.
ReplyDeleteEpic fail -the name says it all.
ReplyDeleteI didn't think so. Let's keep politics out of this.
ReplyDeleteYes! The truth, plain and simple.
ReplyDeleteTo each his own. Birds of a feather...
ReplyDeleteTrain wrecks are fascinating in a horrible way...
ReplyDeleteMaybe Lenny will cook some chile while sitting on the toilet.
ReplyDeletePS - please keep politics off this website as we don't entertain the trolls.
Get rid of them all, especially Dean McDermott.
ReplyDeleteWell, there you go. Showing your true self.
ReplyDeleteStalking and sexual harassment are crimes.
ReplyDeleteFigured you'd have no clue.
ReplyDeleteJust like we have a right to complain about Lenny's ugly behavior, and to inform others about it...
ReplyDeleteRight, as FN can fire anyone for any reason.
ReplyDeleteI'm terrified; their girls are so gorgeous, and their physicists are so noble.
ReplyDeletei guess a number of people don't like my comment
ReplyDeleteI clearly said that.
ReplyDeleteI usually have a clear favorite, but any one of these teens could have won and I'd be happy. I was a little put off by Jason's reaction to being chopped, but after all, he's still just a 14-year-old and can out cook me by a light year.
ReplyDeletefood network deleted an entire post and thread that exposed him as he idiot that he is.. Too many negative comments I guess. they just dont get it.
ReplyDeleteYou can run but you cannot hide.
He was exposed as a jerk, they deleted it.
Why do people always go for the questionable citizenship when there is no question? His mother is an American, from Kansas. Parent is American, therefore he's American. Why didn't anyone object to John McCain running for president when he was born in the Panama Canal Zone? His parents were American. And, he's white.
ReplyDeleteNow, get back to the offensive idiot from New Hampshire and off the political whinge.
I voted for Lenny. It was a decision I began to question as I watched
ReplyDeletethe finale. Between telling that young boy on skype about his milky
belly and kissing/holding/telling I love you to the Food Network
president, my stomach turned a bit. I then found this site. I was
surprised to see his videos (before he took them down) and hear about
his past. I still think that he has the potential to put on a good
show. He just has to be able to control his creeper factor. We'll see
how well FN can groom him. Time will tell
Why thank you! I'm definitely opinionated, but I do try to back up my opinions, write clearly, and avoid name-calling when I can.
ReplyDeletePlease do not sink to Chris's level.
ReplyDeleteSuch specious arguments go back to the '60s, when George Romney was in the running. He was born in a state that was still a territory when he was born, and questions were sent to the Justice Department questioning his citizenship.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping Nicole would address this in her blog, but so far, she hasn't. And contract or no, she's probably too classy to say anything nasty.
ReplyDeleteInterestingly enough, one of the contestants on another episode of Guy's Grocery Games was also a "cowboy" cook, but he never claimed to be a cowboy. In fact, he was French, classically trained, and dressed like a normal human being.
ReplyDeleteAnd "Black Mamba" should be a clue right there. The black mamba is the deadliest snake on earth.
ReplyDeleteIs the Network just pretending this is not happening?? Where are they on this? Certainly this will not just be swept under the rug!
ReplyDeleteTalk about diabetes! Lenny is a walking heart attack and diabetes case! Obese people who just throw butter into everything to make it better should not be celebrated or exemplified! I am shocked Food Network chose such an unhealthy person to represent their network.
ReplyDeletePaula Deen got away with it for 2 years until she inked that deal with a diabetes-medication manufacturer and almost made her condition pay.
ReplyDeleteI know she's a teenager, but Sequoia needed to stop putting her hand over her mouth every 5 minutes. It's unhygienic and it's unnecessarily dramatic.
ReplyDeleteThat would be Barry Goldwater, not George Romney, born in the Territory of Arizona. George Romney had other problems like being born in Mexico in a Mormon settlement of US citizen parents.
ReplyDeleteGreat kids! I enjoyed the show, BUT...
ReplyDeleteI am extremely disappointed that the non winning contestants were given only $1000.00 in a gift certificate. These chefs did as well or better than adults. They did not receive any award for beating their competitors in the initial rounds, but they did just as much to get there as the adults. They should each have received at least $10K in cash or scholarship money. I am very disappointed in TheFood Network.
Susannam...Extremely disappointed?? Really? That reminds me of when my supervisor back in the 70's put a dime on everyones desk (around 50 people) and announced that he was treating his staff to a cup of (vending machine) coffee that morning. I thought "What a nice gesture." while others said "Wow...my supervisor gave me a whole dime. What a tightwad!" Amazing how you've cheapened this act of generosity and manage to downplay the actual winner of this competition.
ReplyDeleteOh no, he said "faggot", I hear the gay pride jumping in with their opinion any second
ReplyDeleteHave any of you "repulsed" people ever worked in a restaurant before. Spoiler alert.... It's a vulgar, crude world! Open your eyes, Lenny's hilarious and am amazing chef to boot. Can't take the heat, get your ass out the kitchen!!!
ReplyDeleteDean McDermott, host of Chopped Canada, and husband of Tori Spelling, was caught in December 2013 cheating. According to Dean, he tried to get out of his contract to spend more time at home, but the FN threatened to sue him for breach of contract.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's bad. He needs to keep his mouth shut. He's damn lucky to have his job.
ReplyDeleteLenny needs to keep that stuff to himself if he wants to maintain a respectful image. He's an adult
ReplyDeleteHe also represents FN, who has an image to maintain.
ReplyDeleteI grew up in a multicultural city and went to school with all types of kids. I knew early on that we, as a whole, should understand that discrimination is a terrible thing. I took the to read about the riots, the shootings, the tear gas used on people who were part of the non-violent protests throughout history. I read about the Holocaust. I read about the Japanese US citizen internments during WW2.
ReplyDeleteI was fortunate I had access to this information thanks to my parents. I was an excellent reader early in life. In my life, racism and homophobia was never tolerated.
Now I can't say I've never cursed, but I've never used the exact terminology Lenny has used, and never in such a context.
Sure. None of us are saints, but there's a big gap between saying "Oh shit" if you made a mistake compared to what Lenny said about the meat he was cooking, and what he said about Ree.
Can we keep politics out of this? It has nothing to do with the discussion.
ReplyDeleteHe did more than just use vulgar language. Ree Drummond is their number one weekend show. I think Lenny stating that be "Would f*ck her in the ass" May end up being the reverse for him! Ps. I am no Ree Drummond fan, but that was advanced idiotic.
ReplyDeleteLenny's comments are vile. He works for the Food Network now but in reality he never should have been considered. It's a shame that Luca didn't win.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Usually, they don't give a consolation prize. The kids all looked thrilled to get that gift certificate. Now they can get more supplies to help them develop their culinary skills.
ReplyDeleteWell it is a competition. They were very clear about the rules and the prize.
ReplyDeleteI truly truly truly wish that they could have all gotten the scholarship because it meant SO much to them. But they didn't owe it to anyone.
You are right. However, I have seen adult chefs handle losing with a lot less grace than the kid. It was a devastating loss.
ReplyDeleteI agree
ReplyDeleteGreat that they are giving this kids an opportunity to see their dreams
ReplyDeleteThe only reason I ever see Chopped is because my kids watch it. I've noticed almost every time I've watched there is underlying racism and sexism in the judging. I notice it mostly from the female judge named Alex. In this teen finals show, the other judges seemed to have been deferring to her as if she was the boss. It has been obvious to me while watching her that she is biased against ethnic contestants and shows a bias towards female white ones. In this teen final, when the male judge Alex was clearly not impressed with the lack of sweetness in Morgan's dessert, the female Alex brushed right past his comment as if it didn't matter, because she already knew who she wanted to win. This is not the first time I've noticed her bias and while I don't consider myself to be a fan of the show, I will now make every effort not to watch it ever again.
ReplyDeleteDante had less complaints on all his dishes he should have won I feel he lost because he had a better chance at winning another scholarship... As well as the ice cream maker issue where he was completely justified in asking her to clean it why waste time cleaning up after someone else... Which is why she cleaned it...