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Here is some more recent news involving the Food Network and Food Network personalities:
- Giada De Laurentiis's restaurant Giada is opening tomorrow in Las Vegas, and Eater Vegas has her new menu and the prices of each dish. Which should come as no surprise, she decided to phonetically spell out all of her pasta dishes for reference such as (Spah-geh-tee) and (ree-ZOHT-oh).
- Today Alton Brown announced that there will be a second leg of Alton Brown Live! The Edible Inevitable Tour. It looks like there is about an additional 45 shows that span across the country.
- Alton Brown appeared on Andrew Zimmern's podcast Go Fork Yourself, and Andrew Zimmern returned the favor by appearing on Alton Brown's podcast The Alton Browncast. They are both pretty good listens if you like them, and Eater has some highlights from the podcasts.
- Guy Fieri met 50 Cent, and in Guy Fieri fashion, took a photo with 50 Cent while pointing at him.
- Willie Degel from Restaurant Stakeout recently agreed to pay $900,000 to settle a wage and hour lawsuit at his restaurants. The lawsuit "alleged that the restaurants failed to pay them at the legally required minimum wage, routinely shaved their hours when they worked over 40 hours and refused to pay them overtime wages for hours worked over 40, misappropriated gratuities belonging to the waitstaff, failed to pay spread of hours pay when the employees’ workdays exceeded ten hours, and refused to pay for employee uniforms or laundering of such uniforms" (Link). Willie also had a lawsuit filed against him last year by his maid alleging she worked 70 to 80 hour weeks and was paid only $400 to $500 in cash (Link).
re: Willie...I...AM....SHOCKED!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteStill don't know how Beached Whale Willie Degel even has a show on FN. I've never heard anyone slaughter the English language as much as he does. It's embarrassing to watch, and it should be embarrassing for FN.
ReplyDeleteInteresting that Giada's menu has a pronunciation guide since she pronounces short es as if they were short is—something I've only heard my non-Italian Hoosier husband do. Giada pronounces spaghetti "spa-GIT-ti," so maybe she needs to consult her own references.
ReplyDeleteWho even thinks it's real? Gee, there are all these hi-def cameras around, so let's act outrageously.
ReplyDeleteYeah, and then there's that!
ReplyDeleteI totally don't understand Fieri's relevance. If he were more genuine as a person, maybe. Right now, he's just a caricature and it distracts from any talent, if there is any to find, he may have.