So, tune in at 9pm to see the winner of Season 9 of Food Network Star and let me know what you think after the winner is chosen. I will update this post after the winner is revealed, but will keep it after the jump so it doesn't spoil it for the West Coast fans.
See the winner after the jump:
As expected, Damaris Phillips was crowned the winner of season 9 of Food Network Star.
Russell was eliminated first, which left Damaris and Rodney as the final 2. In the end, it was Damaris that won the crown. Now we will have to wait and see what happens with the winner. Will she get more than a 1 hour special? Will they actually produce her pilot show Eat, Date, Love or a totally different show? Only time will tell...
Let me know what you think of the decision and also what you thought of the final episode.
I wouldn't watch either of the men.
ReplyDeleteRodney's speech reminds me of that old Bill Cosby meme.
ReplyDeleteI hope Damaris wins. That said, if they don't change the awful premise of her show, I probably won't watch.
ReplyDeleteI love Russell... I would so watch him...can't understand Rodney half the time
ReplyDeleteRodney talks way to fast and I think that Dameris should win she has improved the most throughout the show!!
ReplyDeleteI refuse to believe Pie Fieri can actually be allowed to win this thing.
ReplyDeletePlease God, don't let Rodney win!!
ReplyDeleteI'm dying inside---Food Network has turned into a farce. It's not about good food and cooking anymore, its about gimmicks.
ReplyDeleteI'm so depressed, they got rid of Russell already. Please no, not the stupid blonde!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI hate her and dislike the pie guy too.
So nailed down, "Pie Style" is basically a TGI Friday's commercial? Pass.
ReplyDeleteAnd America did!
ReplyDeleteWell it looks like we were all wrong with our paranoia. Of course, it doesn't mean she will actually get the show, but at least we know that pie fiery 2.0 won't be mucking up my TV either.
ReplyDeleteWhat a travesty! When I watch a food network show I want it hosted by someone who knows how to cook, not a silly fool with a fake southern accent and background that is an insult to southerners everywhere.
ReplyDeleteThe idea for the show, how sexist, dated and homophobic. I'd expect something like that in the 1950's, not now.
I would have watched a show Russell hosted or perhaps the pie guy but never Demaris.
Seriously just shut up already. You're constantly talking shit with no foundation. You just continuously hurl insults at him for no real reason. If you don't like someone then fine, but stop going to every single post and talking shit. It's annoying.
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome to ignore me or complain to the owner of the page to have me removed.
ReplyDeleteTHANK GOD RODNEY DIDN'T WIN! And really, Russell's concept was stupid too.
ReplyDeleteRussell is a geek total tool. Rodney sounds retarded when he opens his mouth and demaris is a hillbillie lush. There were way better candidates this season that were eliminated too early!
ReplyDeleteSorry about the loss, Jack.
ReplyDeleteHonestly rodney was the only memorable one but would need a speech pathologist beore the food network would even consider a show hahahhahahahah
ReplyDeleteOr closed-captioning :)
ReplyDeleteAs said before. Super predicted. Paula Dean 2.0 with less racism and more fake churchy naughy. sigh. I'm so done with Food Network wasting so much time of recent programming on the south. It's like they have become the Fox Food Network. Moving on!
ReplyDeleteI knew this bland, phony fake would win. I can't stand her
ReplyDeleteI won't be watching anything she's on. FAIL.
So was demerol or whatever her face is. Stupid & disjointed. Just like her.
ReplyDeleteAmen! Enough with the stupid southern fried schtick. What about the northeast or new england for a change?
ReplyDeleteOr a translator
ReplyDeleteI don't like the premise of her proposed show. It completely disregards any other dating couples besides a man and a woman with the fumbling idiot male trying to win over the girl. Boring and not very forward thinking.
ReplyDeleteI actually like the premise in general but don't expect it to see the light of day as-is; it will surely be tweaked to be very inclusive and not simply appealing to the conventional "opposite sex singles" demographic.
ReplyDeleteI think Russell's concept was tweakable. Guilty Pleasures had more potential mileage than culinary sins and could have been touted as learning to enjoy the occasional indulgence rather than making unhealthy eating a way of life. The dishes could have been tied into special occasions when excess might be momentarily appropriate.
ReplyDeleteIt could even be adjusted to cover cooking for people one loves regardless of gender and could expand beyond romantic targets and include friends, family members, and anyone else to whom one wants to express love in the form of food.
ReplyDeleteWhat you just said would make a great premise, one I'd tune in for!
ReplyDeleteYou and I seem to be on all the same boards! Very good company indeed!
ReplyDeleteDisqus has at long last proved some worth to it :)
ReplyDeleteI was a little stunned to hear on Alton Brown's podcast with all 3 finalists that Rodney apparently never thought about or had much interest in cooking anything other than pies going into this thing. How the heck did he pass the "food authority" test the judges are always harping on about? At least Russell and Damaris are real culinary professionals.
ReplyDeleteShe can go far. Great personality. Loose the date night dinner schlock and just be a southern cook and be southern! I understand there is a vacancy at FM.
ReplyDeleteSounds too much like In as deal. Just cook !
ReplyDeleteI could not look at Russel. He was creepy.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, I love Ina, but there's certainly room for a show aimed at people who don't live in the Hamptons and send their husbands to the market for the perfect heirloom tomato.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet's Nikki got dinged (or dinked) for not being able to define "pilaf." Makes you wish they'd have asked Rodney if he knew what it was, eh?
ReplyDeleteI agree! What a FAKE! Anyone girl that looks like her and pretends to be hot should be on punked not a star on Food Network. Look out Cooking Channel here I come!
ReplyDeleteI agree that your idea for a show is so much better - I would watch it.
ReplyDeleteJealous are we? The reason she won was because she is so real and sweet and funny.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the mirth part of your name. What a b*tch you are. have a nice life if you can get past your nastiness.
ReplyDeleteShe happens to be a trained chef who teaches cooking to others. She was never in the bottom for her cooking in case you didn't notice. Maybe you should go back to knitting since you have no idea about what good cooking or teaching is.
ReplyDeleteDamaris was the only real chef there - she studied cooking and teaches cooking. Do you not read the bios?
ReplyDeleteApparently , demoralized has no idea of cooking either. But don't tell fangirl here that. She wont believe you.
ReplyDeleteAt least I have a life, fangirl. Why are you. So obsessed with her? Don't you ever get out of your mother's basement? Haute Couture for you must mean the fancy fat pants & spaghettios.
ReplyDeleteJealous? Of this fat lush? No thanks. I actually have a life and friends, unlike you, who troll strangers on the internet because they have a different opinion than you. You only talk smack because you're a miserable, lonely person
ReplyDeleteAnd your life is so full you have to talk trash about someone who has actually done something with her life. Sad soul that you are.
ReplyDeleteDid you not read the post? Nobody said anything about Damaris.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you so obsessed with this woman? You are the one who started "talking trash" by calling me a b*****. You don't even know me!!! You need to get a life and stop trolling people on message boards. YOU are the sad soul because no one else can have a differing opinion.
ReplyDeletehow rude. you should be ashamed.
ReplyDeleteRude? How about this troll calling me a B****???? Really? How about you minding your own business?
ReplyDeleteNo. Anything that anyone says is open season for 2 bits (25 cents) Don't you know that Demerit is the reason the sun rises in the morning and God's gift to cooking? She must be the most wonderful person that ever graced this earth.
ReplyDeleteAccording to 2bits.
For the record, I don't think Damaris is any great shakes, only the best of a VERY bad lot of finalists.
ReplyDeleteHowever, why are you so angry that other people like her? Why are you so insulting to other posters that like her? Are you a friend of Rodney's?
What? I just get defensive when a total stranger thinks they know me well enough to call me a b****. That was totally uncalled for. I wasn't for anyone. Just that they made the worst pick possible, but I'm over it, unlike some people.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you attack someone else? They have said the same things I have.
I dunno...you just seem pretty hostile in all your posts to everyone. *shrug* It's just a TV show.
ReplyDeleteDamaris? Seriously? Here's praying to the taste gods that we never see "Christian-Mingle-Meets-Faux-News-then-breeds-with-Rush-Limbaugh" on the air EVER. As usual, Food Network picks the Status Quo pleaser instead of someone that's outside the box. The entire line-up of shows has become nothing more than Novocaine injections for the brain. Oh please Network Execs...dumb your programming down more; by all means keep showing us your homophobia and how scared you are of change or your obvious disdain for anything remotely game changing. Morbid fascination and loss of the remote are the only things keeping us from changing the channel.
ReplyDeleteExactly, so why should anyone call me a b**** because I don't like the winner. GET OVER IT.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, how do you think Food Network is homophobic? Have you watched the network recently? Top of head I can think of several openly gay hosts that are on the network all the time and I think if you pay attention to any of the intros for contestants on shows like Chopped you will find that they are very diverse in who they have compete.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, I wouldn't put Damaris up as the poster child for Christians or Conservatives.
FN needs a found not guilty Paula Dean replacement.
ReplyDeleteI'm going with friend of Rodney's. I mean, why else be so hateful towards people happy he lost?
ReplyDeleteAMEN! Well-said. Damaris never bombed-out on the bottom like so many others. She's been cooking all her life. She's had years of practice. She's educated. She didn't just *go* to culinary school, now she teaches in one! She isn't some bizarre concept. She can make all sorts of dishes people really will want to eat. And--in finale, even Iron Chef Bobby Flay made it a pooint to thank her for a tip she gave to him--about how to make better Pimento cheese. This lady knows her stuff , can teach, and has a great sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteI think she's gonna rock-the-kitchen and our TV's for years to come!
Obviously, the great majority of voters DO NOT think she was the "worst pick possible." I think she's the best winner to come along in years. And many agree with me. Here's why:
ReplyDeleteCongratulations DAMARIS PHILLIPS
Winner! Season 9, Food Network Star
Damaris's Victory Poem
After weeks of grueling, stressful tests
Damaris Phillips did the best.
Food Network wants a talented star
A Damaris show will take them far
The other cooks, they tried their best
but only Phillips survived all tests.
With skill and charm she won our heart's
and just kept growing from the start.
Some critics gave her scoff and jest
but voters know that she's the best
And Happy I shall always be
with fabulous foods she cooks for me.
GO Damaris!
Aug.11, 2013
Outside-the-box is ssoooo over-hyped.
ReplyDeleteWhat good is outside-the-box if people won't recreate it, serve it or eat it?
You sound definitely P-O'd that someone wholesome and competetent got a show. Damaris has personality and makes food people will eat. Your hatred of status quo as you call it makes it sound like you believe one must be bizarre in order to be hip. Not true. If your idea of a "Star" is someone with green hair and monster-tattoos trying to convince us that peppermint, garlic, raw oysters and eggplant are imaginative and the wave of the future, like too many contenders on food network star try to do, then you're out of touch. You haven't convinced, or even tried to show how your idea is more appealing, you just slam everyone else. That says more about you, than them.
Northeast, eh? How abut the state of Maine? I could really go for a lobster/shellfish show on food network. You're not really being fair, though. Even Damaris herself has said that there's alot more to southern cooking than just fried.
ReplyDeleteWho do you like and why should they have won instead?
ReplyDeleteI think they eliminated the most interesting and promising contestants before the final. That being said, it seems that other than Guy Fieri, the winners are relegated to the worst time slots possible while also-rans are often given a prime time chance to shine.
ReplyDeleteI'm really dismayed with the direction that Food Network seems to be moving in. Who is responsible for the BooBoo-fication of the network????
But I know that middle-of-the-road home cook that I am, I could at least stammer out an explanation of pilaf, remembering what the manager of the restaurant that was my first job. Is it unreasonable to expect someone who bills herself as mainly vegetarian to be able to as well?
ReplyDeleteWhew, we dodged a bullet there. We don't need a second but less understandable Guy Fieri!
ReplyDeleteI think there were more interesting contestants that were eliminated earlier, but Demaris was definitely my pick from the final 3. I like her looks and I appreciate her lack of cleavage (Giada please take note, you're not OBLIGATED to have the girls hanging out in every televised appearance.)
ReplyDeleteYou're no one to talk. All you do is bash Rodney even now!!! This had literally nothing to do with him yet you bring him up. You're just like this person. Don't try to act like you're holier than thou.
ReplyDeleteNo one to talk.
ReplyDeleteI actually don't care about whether he lost or won so stop. It's not about that. It's about coming to the website and constantly seeing the same person making dumb ass, hateful comments with absolutely no reason as to why. She talks crap about him, his friends, family.I just think it's completely uncalled for especially when people here tend to have real conversations with an actual foundation. Having someone like that join the conversation is a turn off. This is me confronting her, not about defending Rodney. It wouldn't matter who it was, constant hate with nothing backing it up is just uncalled for.
ReplyDeleteNo. I confronted YOU. Your constant hating is a complete turn off & I felt like letting you know that. Do what you want with it, but you're just another loud mouth nuisance on the internet. You spew a bunch of hate and you have nothing to back it up. You call his friends and family losers just because you have an obsessive hate for him for whatever reason. It's disgusting. I hope you're not raising your children to be so hateful.