Friday, June 7, 2013

Where is Justin Warner?

With the new season of Food Network Star upon us, a lot of people keep asking me if I have any updates on Justin Warner.  So here are the most recent updates that I know of:

On June 2nd, Justin tweeted:

Also, in a recent (6-02) interview with Flavor HD, when asked what more we expect to see from him, he stated ("you knows" removed):

“The network and I are still kinda talking about what tweaks and formats we wanna experience and go through and show off, and where I fit in the grand scheme of things. Like, I’m not always going to be the bad boy next door for the rest of my life, so were going to need to work to figure out where I stand in the long term relationship with Food Network.  But I have absolute confidence that it will be excellent TV because, you know, that’s what we do.  We put on our pants, we whip out the towel, and start beating powdered sugar.”

Judging by the above quotes and the fact that Rebel Eats was not included in the upcoming Food Network Series for 2013, it sounds like if he returns, it will be on a different show or Rebel Eats will be tweaked.

He has done some Chopped "Rebel Remixes" and is doing Food Network Star "Rebel Recaps" on the Food Network Blog.  So, he has done more writing for the Food Network than he has had appearances on TV.