The Dinner Bell Restaurant in Madison, Tennessee, which was featured on Restaurant Impossible at the end of February, has closed their doors for good as of today. This probably will not come as a shock to many as the Dinner Bell episode was one of the more controversial ones as of late. The owner Tommy almost went to blows with Robert Irvine during filming, and also went to the local news to complain about the Restaurant Impossible experience (Original Update with info).
Monday, April 15th was their last day in business, and they posted the following message on their facebook page:
Maybe if food costs were rising, they should have listened to Robert and not gone back to charging $5.00 for meals at their restaurant. Judging by the comments from the original update, this will probably not upset many people, and some will actually be happy that the restaurant closed due to the owners being ungrateful.
This now puts the total amount of restaurants from Restaurant Impossible that have closed at 16, and I have updated the Restaurant Impossible Page to reflect that.
Monday, April 15th was their last day in business, and they posted the following message on their facebook page:
"To all of our Facebook friends and family. After 5 years of being in our Rivergate location, I have decided to close the Dinnerbell restaurant. Monday, April 15 will be our last day of operations. We will open at 10:30 AM and close at 3 PM. This was an incredibly hard decision for me to make. But with today's economy and rising cost of food, we've found it very hard to survive. This is a difficult time for me, my family and our employees, we ask for you to keep us in your prayers. Thank you for many great memories!"
Maybe if food costs were rising, they should have listened to Robert and not gone back to charging $5.00 for meals at their restaurant. Judging by the comments from the original update, this will probably not upset many people, and some will actually be happy that the restaurant closed due to the owners being ungrateful.
This now puts the total amount of restaurants from Restaurant Impossible that have closed at 16, and I have updated the Restaurant Impossible Page to reflect that.