Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chef Wanted With Anne Burrell - Abel's On the Lake

Abels on the Lake Austin Chef Wanted
Another new episode of Chef Wanted with Anne Burrell is on tonight in its normal Thursday at 10pm EST time slot on the Food Network.  This episode will be trying to find an executive chef for the restaurant Abel's On The Lake in Austin, Texas.  The chefs competing for the job this episode are Jon Gaboric, Teri McLeod, Chris Cook, and Matt Martinez.  Spoiler and more restaurant info after the jump if you want to know the winner:

This screenshot was taken from YouTube from the casting site, and has the four chefs listed.  As you can see, Jon Gaboric is listed as the winner of this episode, so you can expect him to win tonight.

Chef Wanted Abels Winner

There are articles of Jon Gaboric being the General Manager and Executive Chef at Sobani in Austin, which currently has a 4.5 star rating on Yelp and a lot of good reviews.  If you look at Abel's on the Lake on Yelp, they have a 3 star rating with a lot of people saying the only good thing about the restaurant is the view.  Also, looking at the Abel's menu, it looks like it has the typical bar food (appetizers, sandwiches, burgers, etc.).  So it looks like if Jon does win, that is might even be a step down from his current position.

Far from the 'dream job' that Chef Wanted advertises.  I would say with the show going from six restaurants in season one to 13 restaurants in season two has watered down the choices and quality of the restaurants appearing on the show.  So tune in tonight to hear Anne count down from 10 to 1, and yell at chefs competing for the opportunity to cook pub food.

UPDATE - Jon did win, and with an update that will not shock many, he is not at Abel's on the Lake because it 'wasn't the right fit.'